Thursday 19 May 2011

Early rising

Having had to get up early and visit the doctor (for me not him), I decided to go on a peaceful walk to the local borrow pit.  <interrupted this blog by a nudge from Holly to which I respond "Hello my darling!"> 

I walked through the churchyard with camera in hand (just in case some zombies suddenly pop up LOL) hoping to spot some bunnies.  Firstly I spot lots of large daisy flowers (I don't really do proper names).  I take pictures of these and me with these.

Further along (after taking other random pictures) I do spot a bunny in the distance.  I have not actually checked the results of my snapping just yet.  I see a few more so turn on the camcorder setting.  I record.  The bunnies bugger off.  Typical!

I reach the marshes and spy a robin.  He teases me and flies off every time I'm just about to press the shutter!  Eventually I get a few shots of him on a fence post.  I wander on and for some reason the line "ohhhmm I'll wait for youuu" from my ex's song pops into my head (not the postman, he doesn't write songs).  I wonder who or what he was waiting for and whether he actually did wait for it.  I also wonder how his music career is doing and whether he still sings the song he wrote about me.  Not that I care in that way, just wondering.

Now I am wondering if he got what he was waiting for!

Anyway, I spotted another (or perhaps the same) robin and he also teased me.  I started to feel as if maybe he was guiding my way somehow.  Or even protecting me.  I had visions of being mugged (it was only 8.15 in the morning but you can't be too careful!) and the little bird whipping out a mobile and calling 999.

On reaching the borrow pit I started to walk on my toes to avoid the stupid fart-squeak that comes from my boot with the arch support in it.  I carefully tiptoed up to the water and saw....... nothing!  "Great" I thought sarcastically.  But just then I saw a young moorhen, who soon scarpered into the reeds on realising I had a camera.  His mother must have been in there as she gave him a good telling off which startled me somewhat and then gave me the idea to video once more.  I must now have a clip of some reeds and some funny moorhen noises.

I stood on the wooden seat for a chance of a better view and almost fell off the end into the water!  So I decided to wander 'round and see if there was anything else to see.  Once on the other side of the pit I noticed what I thought was a heron near where I thought the moorhen family were.  I was keen to get a picture of this magnificent creature yet simultaneously thinking "leave the moorhen alone you bastard".

On getting back to my original spot I wondered if it had really been a heron and realised that whatever it had been it was not that close to the moorhen family.  Oops.  I was now getting a bit hungry and had already started daydreaming about having some wonderful person to share all this with so made my way home.

The original robin was waiting on the fence again but flew off when I pressed "record" on the camera.  At the church yard another robin was on the gate post and was less bashful about being photographed.  He also guided my way back to the road, in case I was still daydreaming about the wonderful person, who owned cats.

Think that was pretty much it for my walk.  Am now slightly tired from getting up early!  Need to sort the photo's and videos and finish yesterday's blog.  Thanks if you're still reading, and well done.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Introducing some of the cats I know or have known.

Holly.  My cat.  Fat and lazy.  About 8.  This is her sitting in the computer dust cover!

Sparkle.  Lovely friendly local cat that seems to have gone :-(  Quite young.  This is her on my lap.

 Angus.  My brother's cat.  About 5.  Intelligent and friendly, despite the typical persian "pissed off" look!

 Timmy.  Neighbour's cat.  About 11?  Shy but will come to me, my mum and brother.  Has a funny way of running.

 Leo.  Neighbours cat.  Lives with Pippa.  ? age.  Quite friendly but if you touch him you risk ripped clothing as he is a bit claw happy.  Good hunter, pathetic miaow.

 Sparky.  4 years approx.  Friend's cat.  Was a bit bonkers when little due to a bump on the head.

More later, got to go and help the "weak and wobblies" use the wii fit at physio!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Hooray it seems to stay ok!

Well OK seem to be getting the hang of not losing my posts now!

Got a muzzy head so probably wont be writing much today.  So thought maybe post up some photo's...

Just some random amusing pics there.  Might add some more later.  Still slightly paranoid that I will lose things!

{edit} So anyway today Libby found half a banana in one of the charity shop donation bags!!  Probably our weirdest find yet!  (Previous finds include seemingly soiled trousers, shopping lists, half done cross stitch).

Am kind of getting the hang of using twitter more regularly now.  Always want to retweet the same people, because they say funny things.  Do slightly worry that they may think I'm some kind of stalker!

Need to tidy up my floordrobe now.  Hope to be more coherant next time.

Monday 16 May 2011

well, I hope this one doesn't disappear!

So I posted about Pippa the cat as my first blogger post.  It fucked off.  Bit annoyed but it was a pretty rubbish first post anyway!

The blog fucked off, not Pippa.  Though she did get stuck in a garage for a week when she was a kitten!

Sorry if my bad language offends.  I'm kind of guessing that no prudish or very young people would be reading my blog anyway.

Not really sure where I want this blog thing to go really.  Just thought it would be nice to type things out as my hands are now rather arthritic (no I'm not a pensioner) so I very rarely write in a diary these days.

The general idea was to tell stories of the cats and children I have known through work and life.  But well if I want to ramble about something else it's MY blog so I think I will!

I'm going to stop here in case I somehow lose this post too.  If you are reading this then there will  be more to come.  Maybe pretty pictures too.

Thanks for reading.